Wednesday, March 1, 2017

The Start of WholesomeMama and The Naked Homemaker

     So I would really like to take the time to thank you for considering reading The Naked Homemaker.  Just to disclose, I'm not actually naked writing this blog for you. The "naked" part just means that my help for you is simple, and easy to understand!  I've been going through a lot of lifestyle changes lately, and I could only think the entire time that people need to know the quality of life they could have with a few simple changes. As a mother of two young children, it's no question that my body has gone through some changes. As women, it's one of the prices we pay to bare such amazing little humans into this world!  We gain weight, we lose the umph our breasts once had, and we're tired all the time. Day after day we wake up and do the same things. Get the kids up, bathed, changed, fed, go to work etc. I love being a mom. Including every temper tantrum, and restless night, I wouldn't change it for the world. It has become my goal to do all of these every day things with a burst of energy and a smile on my face every morning, because life is beautiful, my children are a blessing, and I don't want to waste a minute of my time raising these little ones with a chip on my shoulder. 

     The reason I began living health conscious in the first place was because after having my second child, the weight didn't come off. I would wake up every day and hobble my way down the hall to the bathroom like E.T.. Let me just say, there comes a time when a person just doesn't want to look in the mirror anymore, and its called hitting bottom. USE THIS FEELING to push yourself to become what you want to be! I mean, what harm would be done just trying? I'm here to provide healthy and EASY recipes that overtime will change how you feel every single day! We get one life. Lets enjoy it and put great things into our body, so that we can get GREATER things out!

      I really want to keep my readers motivated to push through their diet and exercise struggles by sharing my own struggles and how I deal with them.  Everyone needs encouragement when overcoming obstacles. Stay with me and lets move mountains, people!

                                                                            Keep Reading,

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